Investor Benefits

All In


Our investors help support the initiatives laid out in our five-year strategic plan, All In.

Visionary $50,000+

  • Membership on the Chairman’s Council

  • Exclusive invitation to all Chairman’s Council events

  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Annual on-site investor executive briefing/input session with Chamber leadership regarding key Chamber initiatives and pressing community issues

  • Reserved table in prominent location and special recognition at the Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration, West Alabama Education and Workforce Conference, and all Chamber in Session events (State of the Community, State of the Economy, and State of the State)

  • Two registrations for the annual Montgomery Drive-In

  • Logo on home page and prominent recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website

  • Prominent recognition in all print and digital membership publications 

  • Strategic promotion and recognition through all Chamber social media channels 

  • Prominent digital profile or advertisement in the lobby at the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center

  • Customized investor logo to use for investor’s print and digitial marketing assets

  • Complimentary use of the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center for any meeting and/or special event, upon availability

  • Highest priority and 30% discount on all event and program sponsorships offered through the annual Total Resource Campaign, excluding Presenting sponsorships, advertisements, and table sponsorships

  • Other tailored benefits of specific interest to you can be developed as part of regular meetings with Chamber leadership


Game Changer $25,000+

  • Membership on the Chairman’s Council

  • Exclusive invitation to all Chairman’s Council events

  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Reserved table in prominent location and special recognition at the Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration, West Alabama Education and Workforce Conference, and the Chamber in Session: State of the Community Event

  • One registration for the annual Montgomery Drive-In

  • Logo on home page and prominent recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website

  • Prominent recognition in all print and digital membership publications

  • Strategic promotion and recognition through all Chamber social media channels

  • Prominent logo recognition on display at the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center

  • Customized investor logo to use for investor’s print and digitial marketing assets

  • Complimentary use of the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center for four meetings and/or special events annually, upon availability

  • Priority and 25% discount on all event and program sponsorships offered through the annual Total Resource Campaign, excluding Presenting sponsorships, advertisements, and table sponsorships

  • Other tailored benefits of specific interest to you can be developed as part of regular meetings with Chamber leadership



  • Membership on the Chairman’s Council

  • Exclusive invitation to all Chairman’s Council events

  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Reserved table in prominent location and special recognition at the Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration and West Alabama Education and Workforce Conference

  • Logo on home page and recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website

  • Recognition in all print and digital membership publications

  • Recognition through all Chamber social media channels 

  • Prominent logo recognition on display at the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center

  • Investor logo to use for investor’s print and digitial marketing assets

  • Complimentary use of the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center for two meetings and/or special events annually, upon availability

  • 15% discount on all event and program sponsorships offered through the annual the annual Total Resource Campaign, excluding Presenting sponsorships, advertisements, and table sponsorships


CEO COUNCIL $10,000+

  • Membership on the Chairman’s Council

  • Exclusive invitation to all Chairman’s Council events

  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Reserved table and special recognition at the Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration

  • Logo on home page and recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website

  • Recognition in all print and digital membership publications

  • Recognition through all Chamber social media channels 

  • Prominent logo recognition on display at the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center

  • Investor logo to use for investor’s print and digitial marketing assets

  • 10% discount on all event and program sponsorships offered through the annual Total Resource Campaign, excluding Presenting sponsorships and table sponsorships



  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Four seats at the Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration

  • Recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website 

  • Recognition in all print and digital membership publications

  • Prominent logo recognition on display at the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center

  • Investor logo to use for investor’s print and digitial marketing assets



  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website 

  • Recognition in all print and digital membership publications

  • Prominent logo recognition on display at the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center

  • Investor logo to use for investor’s print and digitial marketing assets



  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website 

  • Investor logo to use for investor’s print and digitial marketing assets



  • Membership on the Chairman’s Council

  • Exclusive invitation to all Chairman’s Council events

  • Invitation to all investor-only receptions and events

  • Two seats at the Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration, West Alabama Education and Workforce Conference, and Chamber in Session: State of the Community event

  • One registration for the annual Montgomery Drive-In

  • Listed as media sponsor for any event promoted through partner’s own channels

  • Logo on home page and prominent recognition on the investor page of the Chamber’s website

  • Prominent recognition in all print and digital membership publications

  • Strategic promotion and recognition through all Chamber social media channels 

  • Prominent logo recognition on display at the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center

  • Complimentary use of the West Alabama Workforce and Community Development Center for two meetings and/or special events annually, upon availability

  • Other tailored benefits of specific interest to you can be developed as part of regular meetings with Chamber leadership


Please reach out to

Tanya Winstead

Director of Membership and Investor Relations

(205) 391-0327