These ceremonies are a great way to tell the business community about your business and increase visibility. They bring customers to your location where you can showcase your products or services and begin to build valuable relationships.
Don't have a physical location? No worries! We're happy to host your ribbon cutting at our office.
Chamber Responsibilities
Provide scissors and ribbon
Have several Chamber Ambassadors in attendance
Extend invitation to Chamber staff, Chamber board members and City officials (invitation does not guarantee attendance)
Add ribbon cutting to the Chamber and community calendars on our website
Advertise ribbon cutting in our weekly newsletter
Take a photo and post it on Chamber social media (@westalchamber on all platforms)
Business Responsibilities
The following is optional and not provided by the Chamber. However, we are happy to refer you to another member who can assist you, if applicable.
Invite media via a press release
Create/send invitations
Provide light refreshments
Give tours of the facility

Schedule Your Ribbon Cutting
Dates are reserved on a first come, first serve basis.
We typically schedule ribbon cuttings at 11AM or 4:30PM Monday-Thursday, and only at 11AM on Fridays.