Learn Here
To secure the ongoing success or our community, and create an environment in which future generations may thrive, we must prioritize engagement with and support for a strong education system.
As the home of The University of Alabama, Stillman College, and Shelton State Community College, education is at the heart of what we do and a vitally important aspect of who we are. Whether you are a parent looking for the right elementary and high school options for your child, a student looking to further your education, or an employer looking for your next great hire, we have what you are looking for in our local education systems.
Elementary & Secondary
West Alabama has a wealth of options for elementary and secondary school including public- and private-school options to fit each family's needs.
Public Schools
Higher Education
Whether you are a parent, a student, an employer, or an educator, we've got you covered in West Alabama. Education is a vitally important aspect of who we are. The University of Alabama is the area's largest employer and has a student population of over 39,000. We are also fortunate to have the University of West Alabama, Stillman College, Shelton State Community College, and Bevill State Community College in our region as well.